Soaring numbers of Asian women having pubic hair transplants to combat hair loss condition

February 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Rising numbers of Asian women are having pubic hair transplants to combat a rare medical condition.

Surgeons are being increasingly called on to transplant hair from the heads of women, to their pubic region.

The latest figures show the number of pubic hair transplants in Asia has increased since 2006.

Between 2010 and 2012 alone, there was 78 per cent increase in pubic hair transplants in this geographical area, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). 

Rising numbers of Korean women are undergoing a procedure to have hair from their head transplanted into their pubic region, to combat a condition which leaves them with insufficient pubic hair

Rising numbers of Korean women are undergoing a procedure to have hair from their head transplanted into their pubic region, to combat a condition which leaves them with insufficient pubic hair

The condition, called pubic atrichosis or hypotrichosis, causes otherwise healthy women to lack pubic hair.

It is particularly common in Korean women of Mongolian origin, according to a report published in the journal of Dermatologic Surgery.

Meanwhile one Korean clinic estimates that 10 per cent of women in the country have pubic atrichosis, according to the blog Refinery29.

As pubic hair is seen as a sign of sexual health and fertility, many women suffer from psychological stress.

Surgery is the only solution to the condition.

ISHRS figures from 2011 show that Asia conducted the largest amount of eyelash, eyebrow and pubic area hair restorations worldwide. 

And yearly figures show that in 2012, there were 576 pubic hair transplant operations in Asia, up from 324 in 2010.  


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The hair transplantation procedure starts at $2,000 and involves doctors taking hair from the head and inserting it into the pubic region, by inserting bulbs into the women's skin.

The procedure takes two to four hours, but it may take a few sessions for the hair to take root.

After the hair transplant, women can grow their hair into a new shape, such as a, fan or diamond.

Writing on the website, a spokesperson from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery said: 'While loss of scalp hair is more likely to concern East Asian men, some East Asian women and/or their husbands are concerned by the loss of female pubic hair.

'Loss of pubic hair, or failure to grow pubic hair, is somewhat more common in East Asian women than in women of other ancestry. 

'Transplants of pubic hair may be considered as a procedure to help an East Asian woman recover satisfactory self-esteem.'


Women who shave their bikini lines risk complications such as infections, burns, severe itching, rashes or cuts, a study has warned.

U.S. researchers found that 87 per cent of women currently remove all or some of their pubic hair, with the majority using a razor, while the rest admitted to getting a bikini wax at least once in their life.

Almost two thirds (60 per cent) of the women also reported experiencing at least one health-related complication, which also included invisible cuts to the skin called epidermal abrasions, ingrown hairs, bruises or allergies.

Overweight and obese women were found to be twice as likely to experience a complication than their slimmer counterparts and three times more likely if they removed all of their pubic hair rather than just some of it.

