Today in Twitter blunders comes the story of Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, better known as Halsey, who had a very rough morning. First, someone made the mistake of letting her read the Pitchfork review of her new album Manic, which settles on a 6.5 rating and harps on its “painfully stretched ballads” and “overly sanitized rhythms.” Then, instead of merely throwing her phone over the side of a yacht, Willa from Succession style, Halsey tweeted: “can the basement that they run p*tchfork out of just collapse already.” THEN, at some point she realized that the mus*c rev*ew webs*te in quest*on is not run out of a basement and is in fact run alongside Condé Nast’s other publications … in One World Trade Center.
losing my mind thinking about the person on halsey’s team who had to tell her she just called for the collapse of one world trade https://t.co/eJJmK0KyQ7
— Ben Kesslen (@benkesslen) January 23, 2020Not that any critics deserve to have their basement offices collapse on them, but a salty tweet about a middling review is one thing and inadvertently wishing the collapse of the World Trade Center is another entirely, for obvious reasons. This ridiculous blip in Twitter’s cyber-garbage floe was then immortalized as Halsey deleted the tweet and apologized with a heart emoji, so you know it’s heartfelt:
ABSOLUTELY deleted it upon realizing this. was just trying to make a joke! Intended zero harm. Just figured I could poke at them back with the same aloof passive aggression they poke at artists with! Clearly a misunderstanding <3
Mere moments after I copied that down, Halsey deleted that tweet, too. Some pop stars just want to watch the world collapse. Looking forward to seeing if/how they address this in this week’s episode of SNL, where Halsey’s scheduled as musical guest.
Halsey Very Sorry for Accidentally Calling for Another 9/11ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlpaWdgZnyprcusnLKrXaW2ta%2FHn6aro12pxKax02efraWc